The Stan Freberg Mailing List
Stan Freberg Mailing List is a great place to find out even
more about Stan. Here members keep each other up to date
on what's new and interesting in the field of comedy, cartoons
and Old Time Radio shows.
One of our own members
says it best:
"You'll find here a fine group of devotees to
the wisdom and art of Stan Freberg, a very friendly bunch
with absolutely NO axes to grind, or personal agendas.
We just appreciate humor when done as well as Stan, and revel
in its expression. Please join in on any topic, and
comment on anything. Favorite humorists, movies, books,
recordings, whatever."
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Mailing List Rules
insure that others are not subscribed without wanting to, you will
have to send a second message with the "authorization key" back to
the mailing list server. Don't worry, you will receive a message
with that information in it. Please look over the Mailing
List Rules
If you want to post a quick message and don't want to join the Mailing
List, you can leave a message on the Stan
Freberg Bulletin Board
- If you ever need to get in contact with the owner of the list,
(if you have trouble unsubscribing, or have questions about the
list itself) send email to freberg-owner@yahoogroups.com.
It's very simple:
1. Try to keep the topic at least
semi-related to Stan Freberg.
Everyone in this group is here for mainly one reason.
They enjoy the
great humor of Stan Freberg!
2. No flame wars please.
This is an unmoderated mailing list and we'd like to keep it
that way.
You are free to say whatever you like, however we ask that you
be courteous to others and that you refrain from using profanity
on this list. |
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